вот пито
BigWorld WorldOfTanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 17:59:40 Aug 21 2015) starting on 11/07/15 19:37:22
INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: sd
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/0.9.10: mods found
INFO: Load mods: AutoEquip
INFO: Load mods: CDP
INFO: Load mods: GunConstraints
INFO: Load mods: lobbyloader
INFO: Load mods: PFMods
INFO: [PF-MODS] [BREAKABLE] --> Loading...
INFO: [PF-MODS] [SHADOW] --> Loading...
INFO: Load mods: sixthsenseduration
INFO: Load mods: uragan_show_minimap_vehicle
INFO: Load mods: WGFM_RadioMod
INFO: Load mods: wotXp
INFO: Load mods: ZJ_AimBotShaytan
INFO: ntp-servers.net url time test successful.
INFO: ver.0.9.10 Demo 062 Config file successfully loaded.
INFO: [ЗАГРУЗКА]: [Мод: "Тылы", автор: spoter, спасибо! Lp()rtii]
INFO: [ИНФО]: [Мод: "Тылы" Выбран язык: Русский...]
INFO: [ИНФО]: [Мод: "Тылы", v1.13(30.08.2015) применение настроек...]
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pmod
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_control_center
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_safe_shot
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_sights
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_spotted
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_staff
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_ae
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_derrickhand
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_lzr
INFO: [RoughNecks] Multi Hit Log v0.9.10 build:001 status: Release by Maggz based off work by PiJey77 & ZeesuS & mtm78 Config used:expDMaggz.json
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_mwd
INFO: [NOTE] mod_RN_mwd by Maggz Config file successfully loaded.
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_UT
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 4 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 3 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 155): User authentication method: token2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/account_helpers/settings_core/options.py, 657): Change state of voip: (True,)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/02_malinovka
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
NOTICE: [NOTE] (, 469): Teamkill. No need to do more.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
NOTICE: [NOTE] (, 469): Teamkill. No need to do more.
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/28_desert
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1357, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime
ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/consumables/ammo_ctrl.py", line 567, in setGunReloadTime
ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/01_karelia
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/28_desert
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/29_el_hallouf
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/__init__.py, 166): Request validation failed, processor: OptDeviceInstaller, validator: VehicleValidator ({'isBroken': True, 'isEnabled': True, 'isLocked': True, 'isAsync': False, 'vehicle': Vehicle<id:152, intCD:7425, nation:0, lock:0>, 'type': 0, 'isInInventory': False})
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/36_fishing_bay
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 165, in new_PlayerAvatar_stopTracer
ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1807, in stopTracer
ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'hide'
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
BigWorld WorldOfTanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 17:59:40 Aug 21 2015) starting on 11/07/15 19:37:22
INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: sd
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/0.9.10: mods found
INFO: Load mods: AutoEquip
INFO: Load mods: CDP
INFO: Load mods: GunConstraints
INFO: Load mods: lobbyloader
INFO: Load mods: PFMods
INFO: [PF-MODS] [BREAKABLE] --> Loading...
INFO: [PF-MODS] [SHADOW] --> Loading...
INFO: Load mods: sixthsenseduration
INFO: Load mods: uragan_show_minimap_vehicle
INFO: Load mods: WGFM_RadioMod
INFO: Load mods: wotXp
INFO: Load mods: ZJ_AimBotShaytan
INFO: ntp-servers.net url time test successful.
INFO: ver.0.9.10 Demo 062 Config file successfully loaded.
INFO: [ЗАГРУЗКА]: [Мод: "Тылы", автор: spoter, спасибо! Lp()rtii]
INFO: [ИНФО]: [Мод: "Тылы" Выбран язык: Русский...]
INFO: [ИНФО]: [Мод: "Тылы", v1.13(30.08.2015) применение настроек...]
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pmod
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_control_center
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_safe_shot
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_sights
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_spotted
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_staff
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_ae
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_derrickhand
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_lzr
INFO: [RoughNecks] Multi Hit Log v0.9.10 build:001 status: Release by Maggz based off work by PiJey77 & ZeesuS & mtm78 Config used:expDMaggz.json
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_mwd
INFO: [NOTE] mod_RN_mwd by Maggz Config file successfully loaded.
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_RN_UT
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 4 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 3 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 155): User authentication method: token2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/account_helpers/settings_core/options.py, 657): Change state of voip: (True,)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 599): Player's team not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 605): Player's vehicle ID not found.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/ArenaDataProvider.py, 612): Uses slow player search by name
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/02_malinovka
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
NOTICE: [NOTE] (, 469): Teamkill. No need to do more.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
NOTICE: [NOTE] (, 469): Teamkill. No need to do more.
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/28_desert
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1357, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime
ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/consumables/ammo_ctrl.py", line 567, in setGunReloadTime
ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/01_karelia
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/28_desert
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/29_el_hallouf
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/__init__.py, 166): Request validation failed, processor: OptDeviceInstaller, validator: VehicleValidator ({'isBroken': True, 'isEnabled': True, 'isLocked': True, 'isAsync': False, 'vehicle': Vehicle<id:152, intCD:7425, nation:0, lock:0>, 'type': 0, 'isInInventory': False})
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/36_fishing_bay
INFO: MHL: Config reloaded, all data has been reset
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 156, in PlayerAvatar_showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 121, in __showTracer
ERROR: File "", line 128, in __CreateWorldObj
ERROR: ValueError: Model(): Only found none out of 1 models requested
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR: File "", line 165, in new_PlayerAvatar_stopTracer
ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1807, in stopTracer
ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'hide'
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/event_bus.py, 25): Handler is already subscribed ('lobbyViewLoaded', <bound method CompanyBattleController.__onLobbyInited of <gui.server_events.CompanyBattleController.CompanyBattleController object at 0x0FC84270>>, 0)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 428): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2