Всем добрый день,
игра: playerunknown's battlegrounds
наткнулся на готовый скрипт кто разбирается помогите разобраться почему не работает? где ищет пикселы?
Исходный код
https://steamcommunity.com/app/578080/d … 030908997/
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
IniRead, suspendKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, suspendKey, F1
IniRead, adsKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, adsKey, RButton
IniRead, passthroughKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, passthroughKey, BLANK
IniRead, aimKey, settings.ini, PUBGKeyMapping, aimKey, RButton
IniRead, useAnchors, settings.ini, Recognition, useAnchors, true
IniRead, standTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetAnchorX, 0.0234375
IniRead, standTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetAnchorY, 0.9287037
IniRead, crouchTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetAnchorX, 0.0244792
IniRead, crouchTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetAnchorY, 0.9472222
IniRead, proneTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetAnchorX, 0.0322917
IniRead, proneTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetAnchorY, 0.9564815
standTargetX := Round(standTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth)
standTargetY := Round(standTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight)
crouchTargetX := Round(crouchTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth)
crouchTargetY := Round(crouchTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight)
proneTargetX := Round(proneTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth)
proneTargetY := Round(proneTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight)
} else
IniRead, standTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetX, 45
IniRead, standTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetY, 1003
IniRead, crouchTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetX, 47
IniRead, crouchTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetY, 1023
IniRead, proneTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetX, 62
IniRead, proneTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetY, 1033
IniRead, targetColor, settings.ini, Recognition, targetColor, 0xf5f5f5
IniRead, variation, settings.ini, Recognition, variation, 10
IfNotEqual, suspendKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%suspendKey%, suspend
IfNotEqual, adsKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%adsKey%, adsKeyDown
IfNotEqual, adsKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%adsKey% up, adsKeyUp
IfNotEqual, passthroughKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%passthroughKey%, passthroughKeyDown
IfNotEqual, passthroughKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%passthroughKey% up, passthroughKeyUp
if (A_IsSuspended)
SoundBeep, 200
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%}
PixelSearch, , , standTargetX, standTargetY, standTargetX, standTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB
if !ErrorLevel
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%}
PixelSearch, , , crouchTargetX, crouchTargetY, crouchTargetX, crouchTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB
if !ErrorLevel
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%}
PixelSearch, , , proneTargetX, proneTargetY, proneTargetX, proneTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB
if !ErrorLevel
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%}
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey% Down}
IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey% Up}
;For a list of available keys visit: https://autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm
;To disable a key type "BLANK"
;Hotkey to Suspend the Script
;Hotkey to aim down sight
;Hotkey which gets passed through to the assigned aim key
;For a list of available keys visit: https://autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm
;To disable a key type "BLANK"
;Enter the assigned aim key from PUBG. The default binding is the right mouse button
;Enter "true" if you want to use anchors or "false" if you want to use coordinates
;This part will only be used if "useAnchors" is set to "true"
;These anchors only work for 16:9 resolutions
;This part will only be used if "useAnchors" is set to "false"
;The default values only work for 1080p monitors
;Target color for the scanned pixels
;Max difference between the target color and the found color
Как мне показалось это не то что мы привыкли называть AIM`ом... Этот скрипт проверяет цвет пикселей в левом нижнем углу(там маленький значек в виде человечка) и как только нажимаешь прицелиться(значек меняется) и автоматически начинается стрельба..."НО ЭТО НЕ ТОЧНО"
По факту... в этой игре невозможно сделать AIM без вмешательств... невозможно определить цвет какого то пикселя(в некоторых играх появляется имя игрока красным цветом или прицел меняет цвет) центральный маркер не меняет цвет на определенный при попадании в него противника и много выстрелов мы делаем в игре на упреждение...
Код:# NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% IniRead, suspendKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, suspendKey, F1 IniRead, adsKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, adsKey, RButton IniRead, passthroughKey, settings.ini, Hotkeys, passthroughKey, BLANK IniRead, aimKey, settings.ini, PUBGKeyMapping, aimKey, RButton IniRead, useAnchors, settings.ini, Recognition, useAnchors, true if(%useAnchors%) { IniRead, standTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetAnchorX, 0.0234375 IniRead, standTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetAnchorY, 0.9287037 IniRead, crouchTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetAnchorX, 0.0244792 IniRead, crouchTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetAnchorY, 0.9472222 IniRead, proneTargetAnchorX, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetAnchorX, 0.0322917 IniRead, proneTargetAnchorY, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetAnchorY, 0.9564815 standTargetX := Round(standTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth) standTargetY := Round(standTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight) crouchTargetX := Round(crouchTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth) crouchTargetY := Round(crouchTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight) proneTargetX := Round(proneTargetAnchorX * A_ScreenWidth) proneTargetY := Round(proneTargetAnchorY * A_ScreenHeight) } else { IniRead, standTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetX, 45 IniRead, standTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, standTargetY, 1003 IniRead, crouchTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetX, 47 IniRead, crouchTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, crouchTargetY, 1023 IniRead, proneTargetX, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetX, 62 IniRead, proneTargetY, settings.ini, Recognition, proneTargetY, 1033 } IniRead, targetColor, settings.ini, Recognition, targetColor, 0xf5f5f5 IniRead, variation, settings.ini, Recognition, variation, 10 IfNotEqual, suspendKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%suspendKey%, suspend IfNotEqual, adsKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%adsKey%, adsKeyDown IfNotEqual, adsKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%adsKey% up, adsKeyUp IfNotEqual, passthroughKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%passthroughKey%, passthroughKeyDown IfNotEqual, passthroughKey, BLANK, Hotkey, *%passthroughKey% up, passthroughKeyUp return suspend: Suspend if (A_IsSuspended) SoundBeep, 200 else SoundBeep return adsKeyDown: IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%} return adsKeyUp: PixelSearch, , , standTargetX, standTargetY, standTargetX, standTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB if !ErrorLevel { IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%} return } PixelSearch, , , crouchTargetX, crouchTargetY, crouchTargetX, crouchTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB if !ErrorLevel { IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%} return } PixelSearch, , , proneTargetX, proneTargetY, proneTargetX, proneTargetY, targetColor, variation, RGB if !ErrorLevel IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey%} return passthroughKeyDown: IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey% Down} return passthroughKeyUp: IfNotEqual, aimKey, BLANK, SendInput {%aimKey% Up} return
Код:[Hotkeys] ;For a list of available keys visit: https://autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm ;To disable a key type "BLANK" ;Hotkey to Suspend the Script suspendKey=F1 ;Hotkey to aim down sight adsKey=RButton ;Hotkey which gets passed through to the assigned aim key passthroughKey=BLANK [PUBGKeyMapping] ;For a list of available keys visit: https://autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm ;To disable a key type "BLANK" ;Enter the assigned aim key from PUBG. The default binding is the right mouse button aimKey=RButton [Recognition] ;Enter "true" if you want to use anchors or "false" if you want to use coordinates useAnchors=true ;This part will only be used if "useAnchors" is set to "true" ;These anchors only work for 16:9 resolutions standTargetAnchorX=0.0234375 standTargetAnchorY=0.9287037 crouchTargetAnchorX=0.0244792 crouchTargetAnchorY=0.9472222 proneTargetAnchorX=0.0322917 proneTargetAnchorY=0.9564815 ;This part will only be used if "useAnchors" is set to "false" ;The default values only work for 1080p monitors standTargetX=45 standTargetY=1003 crouchTargetX=47 crouchTargetY=1023 proneTargetX=62 proneTargetY=1033 ;Target color for the scanned pixels targetColor=0xf5f5f5 ;Max difference between the target color and the found color variation=10
Есть только исключение- подробно:
в игре есть режимы Цветовой слепоты - не помню как называется тот который использую я , но колиматорный прицел точка - желтая, а прицел 4-х синий. Так вот когда наводишь на цель 4-х прицелом он мигает красным вокруг синего. проверьте сами.
это мне кажется реальный шанс
эм... там вроде 4 режима цветовой слепоты... щас откатаю 4 катки посмотрю на все...
Да проще запустить эту прогу (Пароль: 7654) Нифига не вмешивается в процесс игры и чисто уменьшает отдачу. Так каждую катку в Починках разъ***бываю всех)
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