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↓ Crooked Arm's ↓
- Skeleton draw distance
Objects (Loot)
- Minimum equipments level
- Spectator count
- Only visible
- Friends
- Name
- Team
- Level
- Number of kills
- Weapon
- Line
- Health
- Box 2D
- Category
- Skeleton (Taking visibility into account)
- Size line skeleton (1-3)
- Skeleton draw distance
- Distance
- Backlight distance
- Draw players on map & minimap
- Enable radar
- Backlight distance
- Position by X
- Position by Y
- Size
- Alpha
Objects (Loot)
- Vehicles
- Vehicle fuel
- Vehicle health
- Airdrops
- Corpses
- Weapons: (Assault rifle, Sniper rifle, Designated marksman rifle, Shotgun, Submachine gun, Light machine gun, Handgun, Throwable, Melee, Tactical gear, Other)
- Ammunition
- Compatible with current weapons (Ammunition)
- Attachments (Muzzle, Foregrip, Sight, Magazine, Stock, Canted sight)
- Compatible with current weapons (Attachments)
- Equipments: (Headgear, Vest, Backpack)
- Smart equipment search (Headgear, Vest)
- Minimum equipments level
- Used by action (Heal, Boost, Fuel, Gadget, Other)
- Events
- Backlight loot distance
- Enable aimbot
- No sway, No recoil
- Lock target
- Do not aim at friends
- Do not aim at knocked players
- Visibility check
- Aim priority (Distance, Crosshair, Smooth)
- Draw fov circle
- Fov
- Distance
- Prediction
- Bones selection (Head, Neck, Left elbow, Right elbow, Body, Pelvis, Left knee, Right knee)
- Bone change time
- Key selection
- Visible players color
- Invisible players color
- My team players color
- Target player color
- Knocked players color
- AI players color
- Airdrops color
- Corpses color
- Vehicles color
- Weapons color
- Ammunition color
- Attachments color
- Equipments color
- Use color
- Key to disable loot
- Open menu key
- Spectator count
Supported Game Mode: Windowed / Full Screen in Window
Supported processors: Intel and AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64
Supported builds: everything from 1903 to the latest
HWID Spoofer: No
1 day - 3.5$
14 days - 15$
31 days - 22$
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